Developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), the ERG is the go-to guide for responders working at a HAZMAT incident site, and is one of the best resources available for hazard identification. Over 3400 chemicals are listed, with a total of 61 different response guides.
The ERG helps personnel to quickly identify hazardous materials at an incident site; recognize the potential hazards associated with the material(s); gather public safety guidance; and execute recommended emergency response actions. It allows personnel to quickly and effectively identify hazards based on UN numbers, labels, colors, markings, and container shapes.
The initial response phase is that period of an incident during which the presence and/or identification of dangerous goods is confirmed, protective actions and area securement are initiated, and assistance of qualified personnel is requested.
The Guidebook should not be considered as a substitute for emergency response training, knowledge or sound judgement. It is important to carefully consider your personal actions before committing. If you deem personal action appropriate, the incident site should be approached from upwind, uphill, and upstream. Make every effort to avoid contact with spills, vapors, fumes, smoke, and other potential hazards.
An online version of the ERG can be accessed here.