Explosive Incident Response

There are three types of explosive incidents individuals may have to deal with and each has its unique response requirements. However, safety is of utmost importance in responding to each type. An individual who becomes injured or killed is no longer a part of the solution, but has become a part of the problem.

  • Pre-blast Incidents—Will most likely be reported to dispatch and the first responder will be sent to the scene. Pre-blast perimeters should be established based on the 2016 ERG IED Safe Stand-Off Distance tables*. After establishing a safe perimeter, search and evacuation decisions must be made.
  • Post-blast Response—Decisions will be based on the destruction caused by the blast, which is caused by the size of the explosion. The first, and perhaps the most important, decision will be where to establish the first (inner) perimeter or hot zone. After establishing the first perimeter, the next requirement is to begin victim triage and treatment. This may require collapsed building rescues; only individuals with the proper training and equipment should attempt such hazardous rescues. Fires may be present and utilities such as live electrical wires or punctured natural gas lines may cause additional hazards. In a post-blast incident response, it is important not to rush in, but to assess the incident before entering the area of the seat of the explosion.
  • Continuing Explosive Incident—One of the most difficult types of explosive incidents. It is an incident like that seen in Columbine, Colorado, where active shooters were present at a scene with explosive devices present.
  • Multiple Devices—Individuals should always anticipate multiple devices when responding to any of the three types of explosive incidents. Multiple devices are placed specifically to target individuals because terrorists seek to generate chaos and fear in the civilian population. Locations to consider for multiple device placement might be along evacuation routes, exits to buildings, and/or obvious staging locations (i.e. adjacent parking lot or fire hydrants).