CDP grads assist survivors following severe storms
Spring tornadoes this year heavily impacted several states and hundreds of responders sprang into action to tend to the storms’ survivors.
Many of those responders were graduates of one or more Center for Domestic Preparedness courses.
In the past five years alone, the CDP has trained nearly 7,000 law enforcement officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians from the seven states hit hardest by the storms – Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.
That total includes more than 3,000 responders in Alabama, 300 in Arkansas, 170 in Mississippi, 680 in Missouri, 300 in Oklahoma, 600 in Tennessee and 1,400 in Texas.
Training the responders have completed include the CDP’s Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response Operations; Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning and Response Actions for All Hazards; and Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents courses.
For more information about upcoming CDP courses, visit or the CDP’s main website at