CDP plans 10th annual Tribal Nations Training Week
Registration is open for the Center for Domestic Preparedness’ (CDP) 10th annual Tribal Nations Training Week.
The weeklong training event, which will be conducted April 26-May 3, 2025, is for state, local, tribal, and territorial responders who work in an emergency response capacity and are affiliated with one or more tribal nations or the Indian Health Service.
The 2025 event will feature courses in 10 separate tracks: Cyber, Climate, Continuity of Operations, Tribal Curriculum, Executive, Funding/Grants, Exercise and three Healthcare tracks.
In addition to the CDP, training will be provided by FEMA’s National Disaster and Emergency Management University (NDEMU), the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP), Texas A&M’s Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), and the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC), among others.
The Cyber track will include TEEX courses, such as Demystifying Cyber Attacks and Preparing for Cyber Attacks and Incidents, as well as CDP courses focused on communication and preparedness.
The CDP’s Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents (HERT), Managing Public Information and Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents (HCL) courses will be the focus of the three Healthcare tracks. The HERT and HCL tracks will culminate with Integrated Capstone Events, or ICEs – comprehensive exercises where students work together in response to simulated mass casualty incidents.
NDPTC will share its Climate Adaptation Planning for Emergency Management course and NCDP offers its Understanding Climate Risk: Hazard, Vulnerability, and Community Resilience and Understanding Climate Change and Social Vulnerability for Disaster Management courses in the Climate track.
The Continuity of Operations track will feature two NDEMU courses – Continuity Planning for Tribal Governments and Tribal Continuity Planning Workshop – as well as the RDPC’s Community Based Planning for All-Hazards Threats in Tribal Nations.
NDEMU’s Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments will be the featured course in the Tribal Curriculum track.
The Funding/Grants track will include NDEMU’s Fundamentals of Grants Management Course.
The Exercise track offers NDEMU’s Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program and Exercise Design and Development courses.
The Executive track features a variety of courses from partners centered on preparedness and response as well as a senior official workshop and a tour of the CDP.
To register, contact
State, local, tribal, and territorial responders who are affiliated with one or more tribal nations or the Indian Health Service who cannot attend training in person are encouraged to contact to discuss the virtual instructor-led courses being offered in May 2025.