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CDP plans 2025 Law Enforcement Training Week

FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) will host its 2025 Law Enforcement Theme Week March 9-15 on the center’s campus in Anniston, Alabama.

The week will start with a Law Enforcement Professional Development Day and be followed by training tracks centered on active shooter response; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) response; and public order policing.

Special consideration for enrollment will be given to responders of cities and organizations hosting or supporting 2026 World Cup events.

In addition to the CDP, the training (see complete list of courses at will be provided by LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education; the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center; Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center; the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium and FEMA’s Office of Law Enforcement Engagement and Integration.

CDP training is completely funded for state, local, tribal and territorial emergency responders to include roundtrip airfare, meals, and lodging.

To register for the week or other training, visit