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In the Spotlight: Brandon Fletcher

Brandon Fletcher has been part of the fire service since 2000 and an instructor at the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) since 2022.

Fletcher is the fire chief for the Gilt Edge Fire Department in Tennessee. He holds Chief Fire Officer and Chief Training Officer designations through the Center for Public Safety Excellence and is a member of the National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Service Occupational Safety and Fire Officer Professional Qualifications committees.

Throughout his career, Fletcher has responded to numerous incidents, including floods, tornados, ice storms and other severe weather events. He has also served in roles ranging from rescuer to supervisor, safety officer, and incident commander.

Additionally, Fletcher holds a bachelor’s degree in agriculture science from the University of Tennessee Martin and served as an Army medic for 13 years.

“As responders, we operate in a world where people live and die based on our level of preparation,” said Fletcher. “We owe it to those we serve to be prepared and never stop learning.”