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In the Spotlight: Scottie Emerson

Students can learn a lot from Scottie Emerson, who has been a hazmat instructor at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness for nine years.

Emerson, who has a bachelor’s degree in emergency and disaster management, retired in 2015 as a captain in the Winston-Salem (NC) Fire Department.

During his more than three decades of service in the organization, Emerson worked several national incidents – including hurricanes Andrew, Floyd, Frances and Ivan, as well as several ‘white powder’ calls after 9/11. He also worked as a hazardous materials technician for several president visits to Winston-Salem and two presidential debates at Wake Forest University.

Additionally, Emerson was a founding member of North Carolina Strike Force One, which was that state’s first recognized Urban Search and Rescue team.

“As an instructor, I am responsible for improving the knowledge, skills, and aptitude of emergency responders,” said Emerson.

“The skills we learn today will be tested in the field next week, next month or in years to come,” he added. “’Let the ghost of no man or woman say their training let them down’.”