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Response community reminded of new CDP online, virtual training offerings

Emergency managers and responders are reminded of the numerous online and virtual training offerings the CDP recently developed.

The offerings include information to help them navigate in the COVID-19 environment, as well as useful information to help them safely work through a number of hazards or disasters.  

Included are four videos for healthcare and other responders which show them how to identify and treat those exposed to COVID-19 in both traditional and non-healthcare settings, as well as how to safely move and transport patients suspected or confirmed to be infected with the virus.

All the videos can be viewed at the following link: 

Also included is a podcast, where public information officers and other responders are told how to safely and effectively communicate with their audiences while adhering to social distancing and other COVID-19 practices recommended by the CDC.

The podcast is available for listening at

Last, there are seven virtual, instructor-led lectures on a wide range of topics, from ‘Hazmat and Decontamination during Storm Response – How it affects us all’ and ‘Opioids in America – The Epidemic’ to ‘Critical Incident Stress Debriefing – We Need It More Than We Know’ to ‘A Deadly Dose: Fentanyl, Opioids, and the First Responder.’

Links to, brief descriptions about, and scheduled dates and times of these presentations can be found at