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Students can now get campus information ‘on demand’

Students attending resident training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) can now get many of their questions about the center and surrounding area answered simply by touching one of three new information monitors on campus.

The monitors have several icons, which allow students to take a tour of the CDP, as well as the city of Anniston, Alabama, where the center is located.

Other icons provide details about the CDPs’ incident hotline, cafeteria operating hours, YouTube training channel, and general information, which encompasses campus policies, student conduct, travel, fitness center hours, and evening shuttle schedules.

Students can also scan QR codes and directly link to the CDP’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn sites.

The CDP currently has two monitors in its headquarters building and one in its Noble Training Facility. They have been operational for about a month.

Additional monitors will be added in the future.