Working group brainstorming ‘CDP of Tomorrow”
A large working group at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness has been meeting in recent weeks and brainstorming the possible ‘CDP of Tomorrow.’
The group includes not only course developers and those who oversee the delivery of training, but facility and IT specialists at the center.
They’re looking at a range of enhancements in the next 5-10 years, from the curriculum the CDP offers to upgrades to the campus’ training venues and support facilities. This includes the introduction of newer and more advanced technologies into classrooms, as well as the use of things such as video gaming in CDP training and exercises.
As part of its ‘look into the future,’ the group is examining what universities and other government training institutions have on their drawing books. It’s also including provisions for major activities (i.e. catastrophic events) that might temporarily change how the center conducts business.
The group hopes to present its initial recommendations to CDP leaders sometime in the fall.