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REP Post-Plume Awareness Course

8 Contact Hours


The FEMA/NPD/THD/Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program has developed an instructor-led course that will help Federal, State, tribal and local emergency managers and planners more effectively meet the challenges presented to the emergency responder community during a radiological incident at a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant (NPP). The main purpose for the development of this abbreviated awareness-level course is to provide a precise training track which focuses on the specific needs of those 50-mile emergency planning zones jurisdictions responsible for addressing protective actions related to contaminated commercial food products during a radiological incident.

Course Delivery

  •  Primary – Non-Resident; Secondary – Resident (National Emergency Training Centers)  

Target Audience

The primary target audience is the REP ingestion counties within the 10 to 50-mile EPZ who usually do not write their own plans but rely on State agency plans to identify procedures and capabilities to be implemented during a radiological incident that affects their jurisdiction. A secondary target audience is Federal, State, local, utility, and tribal emergency managers and planners responsible for emergency operations plans and implementation procedures concerning ingestion protective actions response capabilities within the 50-mile EPZ. Other beneficial parties: personnel from supporting agencies involved in response to a radiological incident at a NRC-licensed commercial nuclear power plant.

Prerequisites and Requirements
