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Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response

24 Contact Hours


This course offering is instructed by Louisiana State University's National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education and hosted on the Center for Domestic Preparedness's campus. 

Terrorism involving active shooter attacks on population centers has become part of law enforcement officers’ awareness; however, increased awareness of ​a problem does not ensure preparedness or appropriate response tactics. This course addresses technical aspects of planning and implementing a rapid law enforcement deployment to an active shooter incident through classroom presentations, hands-on performance-based field training, and scenario-based practical exercises.​

Target Audience

Law Enforcement

The target audience for the Direct Delivery version of this course involves Law Enforcement Officials who respond to or support the response to any type of active shooter incident including:

  • ​Certified State and local law enforcement
  • Range instructors
  • Firearms instructors
  • School resource officers
  • Law enforcement instructors
  • Law enforcement first-line supervisors