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Healthcare Emergency Response Operations for CBRNE Incidents

8 Contact Hours


Students are provided knowledge and skills for providing care to CBRNE mass casualty victims; knowledge and practical experience in the safe donning, operating in, and doffing of PPE; basic knowledge of the procedures for decontaminating CBRNE victims and responders; and practical experience in the execution of tagging, triaging and treatment protocols for mass casualty victims of a CBRNE incident.

Below are some of the objectives or topics discussed and performed during this training:

  • Don and doff PPE
  • Process through technical decontamination
  • Interpret triage tags
  • Perform triage of mass casualty victims
  • Perform treatment protocols for a victim of biological agent exposure
  • Perform treatment protocols for a victim of chemical agent exposure
  • Perform treatment protocols for a victim of radiation exposure
  • Perform treatment protocols for a victim of a blast injury

Target Audience

This course is for emergency medical personnel and clinicians with a requirement or responsibility to provide triage, tagging, and treatment for victims of a CBRNE mass casualty incident.

Prerequisites and Requirements

Possess basic skill in routine triage and treatment procedures; be physically and mentally capable of operating in personal protective equipment that fully covers the head or conforms tightly to the face; and be physically capable of assisting, moving, triaging, and treating simulated victims of a CBRNE incident. Exceptions to the prerequisites may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Center for Domestic Preparedness Registrar.

To be eligible for the course, the student must successfully complete the following courses:

Continuing Education Credits

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) is an Accredited Provider (AP) of Continuing Education Units (CEU) and is authorized to award the following CEUs for successful completion of this activity:

  • ABN (Alabama Board of Nursing) - 0.8 CEUs
  • IACET (International Association of Continuing Education and Training) – .8 CEUs




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