Social Media Tools and Techniques
The Social Media Tools and Techniques course is a performance-level course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to use social media tools and techniques for intermediate-level messaging, strategy, and increased situational awareness. This course builds upon the existing PER-304 Social Media for Natural Disaster Response and Recovery course by providing more participants with a more in-depth training in the use of strategy, tools, and messaging techniques in the use of social media. It goes beyond the implementation of the most popular tools and strategies and helps social media managers expand their organization’s social media presence in various platforms to different audiences, in partnership with other agencies and organizations. This course will also give participants a better understanding of data mining and crowdsourcing techniques through practical activities and discuss potential uses for data visualization and mobile apps. This class will be offered by the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at the University of Hawaii (NDPTC), they are authorized by IACET to issue .6 CEU’s and 6.5 CECs with ASFPM and 8.0 IAEM E/G Training Credit hours for this instruction.
Target Audience
Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Service, Governmental Administrative, Hazardous Materials, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Public Health, Public Safety Communications, Public Works.