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Integrating Communications, Assessment and Tactics

12 Contact Hours



The Integrating Communications Assessment and Tactics (ICAT) course, is a training program that provides first responding law enforcement officers with the tools, skills, and options they need to successfully and safely defuse a range of critical incidents.  Developed by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) with input from hundreds of police professionals from across the United States, ICAT takes the essential building blocks of critical thinking, crisis intervention, communications, and tactics, and puts them together in an integrated approach to training.

Recent studies have shown agencies adopting ICAT, “…demonstrated statistically significant reductions in use of force incidents (−28.1%), citizen injuries (−26.3%), and officer injuries (−36.0%) in the post-training period…” (Engel, Corsaro, Isaza, & McManus, 2022)

ICAT is designed especially for situations involving persons who are unarmed or are armed with weapons other than firearms, and who may be experiencing a mental health or other crisis.  The training program is anchored by the Critical Decision-Making Model that helps officers assess situations, make safe and effective decisions, and document and learn from their actions.  ICAT incorporates different skill sets into a unified training approach that emphasizes scenario-based exercises, as well as lecture and case study opportunities.

Target Audience

Law Enforcement
