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Field Force Operations

24 Contact Hours


The three-day Field Force Operations (FFO) course provides law enforcement and security officers with instruction in protest types and actions, legal considerations, responsibilities of mobile field force teams, and crowd-control methods. The course culminates with a series of hands-on activities that allow responders to practice all of the learned skills (baton-holding positions, mass-arrest procedures, and riot-control formations) in a realistic context.

Below are some, but not all, of the critical skill sets learned during this training program:

  • Identify considerations of a protest situation.
  • Use equipment to control crowds.
  • Execute positions in crowd-control squad formations.
  • Position yourself within a mass-arrest team to apprehend, search, and detain a subject.

Target Audience

Law Enforcement and Security Officers who require training and practice in mass-arrest procedures.

Prerequisites and Requirements

To be eligible for the course, the student must successfully complete the following courses:

Students must be physically capable of standing for long periods; walking and marching for long periods; employing a baton in the performance of crowd-control actions; and performing lifts and carries required in the performance of mass-arrest carries.

Exceptions to any of the above prerequisites may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the CDP Registrar.

Continuing Education Credits

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) is an Accredited Provider (AP) of Continuing Education Units (CEU) and is authorized to award the following CEUs for successful completion of this activity:

  • IACET (International Association of Continuing Education and Training) – 2.4 CEUs


5/12 – 5/16/2025
5/27 – 5/31/2025
6/8 – 6/13/2025
6/16 – 6/20/2025
7/13 – 7/18/2025
8/17 – 8/22/2025
8/24 – 8/30/2025