Virtual Classroom Opportunities
The Center for Domestic Preparedness offers a variety of training opportunities via virtual and webinar platforms. The opportunities are listed below.
The CDP also partners with the Office for Bombing Prevention who also offers virtual training opportunities which can be accessed at Office for Bombing Prevention (
Virtual Classroom Training
Virtual Classroom training provides students an interactive virtual experience via an online training environment.
- To register select the desired course from the schedule and click apply Note: Registration will close 2 business days prior to the scheduled start date
Two business days prior to training, you will receive an email with additional information:
- Course-specific info
- On-Line Virtual Classroom link and login instructions
- Phone Bridge number and pin
- Instructors will validate the registration during login
- Post course survey will be required to obtain a certificate of training
Equipment Requirements
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
A phone (landline or cellular) will be necessary to call into the Phone Bridge.
Participation via the On-Line Virtual Classroom and the Phone Bridge is required in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Virtual Instructor Lead Training Support(256) 231-0128
(866) 213-9553
BTA DM - Bomb Threat Assessment (AWR-945)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
EMRA-V - Emergency Medical Response Awareness for CBRNE Incidents - Virtual (PER-271-V)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
FRAME - Framework for Healthcare Emergency Management (AWR-900)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV1 - Crisis Standards of Care and Treatment Decision-Making (AWR-934-V1)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HCV10 - Case Tracking and Epidemiology Tools (AWR-934-V10)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV11 - Contact Tracing for Transmissible Infectious Disease (AWR-934-V11)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV12 - Healthcare Facility Patient Evacuation Planning and Preparedness (AWR-934-V12)
This virtual healthcare topic imparts knowledge and lessons learned in the planning and execution of evacuating a healthcare facility in preparation for, during, or after a disaster or emergency to class participants.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HCV13 - Healthcare Facility Mass Fatality Management (AWR-934-V13)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HCV14 - Healthcare Facility Patient Decontamination (AWR-934-V14)
This virtual healthcare topic gives students an awareness level understanding of hospital-based decontamination procedures. It identifies events that pose potential threats, different types of decontamination methods and procedures, and external resources overwhelmed facilities can utilize.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV15 - Prehospital Mass Casualty Incident Operations (AWR-934-V15)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV16 - Community Point of Distribution Operations (AWR-934-V16)
The program provides a detailed discussion of point of distribution operations, to include dispensing of medical countermeasures, during a disaster or emergency.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV2 - Mass Casualty Incident Response (AWR-934-V2)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HCV3 - Special Needs Population Considerations During Emergency Response (AWR-934-V3)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV4 - Medical Surge Management (AWR-934-V4)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV5 - Federal, State, and Local Roles in Medical Emergency Response (AWR-934-V5)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV6 - Healthcare Facility Emergency Management Program (AWR-934-V6)
Addresses the nine steps for the effective creation of a comprehensive healthcare facility emergency management program.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV7 - Hospital Incident Command System (AWR-934-V7)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HCV8 - Healthcare Facility Preparedness (AWR-934-V8)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HERT TtT - Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents - Train-the-Trainer (PER-902-1)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HIDV1 - Barrier Precautions and Controls (PER-321-V1)
Addresses Key infectious disease terms, standard barrier precautions and associated procedures, airborne barrier precautions and associated procedures, contact barrier precautions and associated procedures, droplet barrier precautions and associated procedures for specific barrier procedures.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HIDV2 - Pathogens of Special Concern (PER-321-V2)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HIDV3 - Patient Management: Receiving a Highly Infectious Disease Patient (PER-321-V3)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HIDV4 - Patient Management: Management of a Highly Infectious Disease Patient in a Healthcare Facility (PER-321-V4)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HMTV1 - Hazardous Materials Response Planning and Management (AWR-935-V1)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HMTV2 - Hazardous Materials Personal Protective Equipment Determination and Considerations (AWR-935-V2)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HMTV3 - Hazardous Materials Decontamination Determination and Operations (AWR-935-V3)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
HMTV4 - Planning, Response, and Management of Radiological and Nuclear Incidents (AWR-935-V4)
An examination of the requirements, considerations, and tools for managing a radiological or nuclear event in a community.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HMTV5 - Planning, Response, and Management of a Biological Pathogen or Agent Incident (AWR-935-V5)
The program examines definition and types of biological agents or pathogens; modes and means of transmission; categories of biological agents; indications of a biological incident; response procedures for a biological incident; and PPE and decontamination for a biological incident.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HMTV6 - Target Analysis and Community Planning for Hazardous Materials (AWR-935-V6)
Explores requirements, processes, and considerations for analyzing and developing prepared response plans for hazardous materials hazards and threats in a community.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HMTV7 - Hazardous Materials Technologies (AWR-935-V7)
The Hazardous Materials Technologies VILT addresses monitoring, detection, and sampling activities performed during hazardous materials incident response and technologies used by electronic and non-electronic air monitoring and detection and measurement equipment.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
HMTV8 - Behavior of Hazardous Materials Containers (AWR-935-V8)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
IBTM - Introduction to Bomb Threat Management (AWR-939)
This course provides learners foundational knowledge on domestic bomb threat data, the Office for Bombing Prevention BTMP process, elements of a bomb threat plan, and the overall impact of bomb threats.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
ICEEOCV - Integrated Capstone Event Emergency Operation Center Virtual / TTX (PER-926)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
LEV2 - The Right to Protest and Law Enforcement Response (AWR-936-V2)
The Right to Protest and Law Enforcement Response is an overview of understanding the legal rights and Constitutional protections of protestors and effective planning for arrests and necessary use of force to ensure physical and legal protection of law enforcement officers.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
LEV3 - Social Media Strategies for Law Enforcement (AWR-936-V3)
Social Media Strategies for Law Enforcement is an overview of strategies for social media prior to, during, and after an event.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
LEV4 - Law Enforcement Response to Recent Protest Movements: Key Findings and Lessons Learned (AWR-936-V4)
Law Enforcement Response to Recent Protest Movements: Key Findings and Lessons Learned explores the evolution of key findings and lessons learned in recent protestor movements.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
LEV5 - Understanding Crowd Dynamics for Mitigation and De-escalation of Large-scale Events (AWR-936-V5)
Understanding Crowd Dynamics for Mitigation and De-escalation of Large-scale Events develops an understanding of group and individual behaviors that make up the dynamics of a large crowd.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV1 - Public Information for All Hazard Incidents (MGT-902-V1)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV10 - Public Information Functions (MGT-902-V10)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV2 - Emergency Management and the Public Information Officer (MGT-902-V2)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV3 - Emergency Communication Methods (MGT-902-V3)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV4 - Media Relations and Press Conferences (MGT-902-V4)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV6 - Interpersonal Skills for Public Information Officers (MGT-902-V6)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV7 - Communicating Effectively in an Emergency (MGT-902-V7)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV8 - Writing Exercise (MGT-902-V8)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
MPIV9 - Legal Issues in Public Information (MGT-902-V9)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V1 - A Deadly Dose: Fentanyl, Opioids, and the First Responder (AWR-933-V1)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V10 - Elastomeric Reusable Respirators - A solution to PPE Shortages (AWR-933-V10)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V11 - Emergency Response to Chemical Suicides (AWR-933-V11)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V12 - Emerging and Resurging Infectious Diseases (AWR-933-V12)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V13 - Field Medical Tactics during an Emergency Response to an Active Assailant Incident (AWR-933-V13)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V14 - Lone Wolf Threat in Every Town USA (AWR-933-V14)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V15 - Mass Violence Toolkit (MVT) Preplanning, Response and Recovery (AWR-933-V15)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V16 - Partnering with Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) for Disaster Response and Recovery (AWR-933-V16)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V17 - Rescue Task Force During an Emergency Response to an Active Assailant Event (AWR-933-V17)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V18 - Suspicious Activity Reporting - Working with your Fusion Center (AWR-933-V18)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V19 - Autism Awareness For Emergency Services (AWR-933-V19)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V2 - Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD): We Need It More Than We Know (AWR-933-V2)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V20 - Tactical Decontamination for Law Enforcement (AWR-933-V20)
Review current events and emerging challenges of hazardous contamination in evolving tactical situations. Identify decontamination needs and processes for law enforcement tools and equipment.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V21 - Exposed: Hazards Associated with Emergency Response Providers (AWR-933-V21)
Exposed: Hazards Associated with Emergency Response Providers; identifies possible hazards and the associated health effects that may threaten providers.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V22 - Eyes in the Sky-Drones (AWR-933-V22)
Participants will learn how to recognize unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) technology and its advantages to First Responders and First Receivers.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V23 - Command Post Operations (AWR-933-V23)
Command Post Operations: discusses how a command post works and the basic tools needed to maintain and properly run a command post.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V3 - Hazmat and Decontamination during Storm Response – How it affects us all (AWR-933-V3)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V4 - Hospital Planning for Mass Casualty Incident Surges: Natural Disasters (AWR-933-V4)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V6 - Opioids in America – The Epidemic (AWR-933-V6)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
OLS-V7 - Psychological Preparedness for Responders (AWR-933-V7)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V8 - The Effective Use of Social and Traditional Media during Emergencies (AWR-933-V8)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
OLS-V9 - Active Shooter/Assailant: Behavioral Indicators and How to Respond (AWR-933-V9)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
POPS-E - Public Order and Public Safety - Executive (MGT-300-C)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction to in the best practice procedures for public order and crowd management.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
RPCC - REP Plan Core Concepts Course (AWR-352)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
RPPA - REP Post-Plume Awareness Course (AWR-351)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
SAR BP - Suspicious Activity Recognition for Bombing Prevention (AWR-943)
The purpose of this course is to raise the awareness of public safety and security professionals related to suspicious activities that accompany the planning of a bombing attack.To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.
SDP - Surveillance Detection Principles (AWR-940)
To participate in the training session, you will need a laptop, desktop or mobile device with internet access that is capable of running Adobe Connect. Smart phones and tablets may be able to download the Adobe Connect App from the appropriate App Store.
No offerings at this time.